Radoša individuāla rakstura sienas lampa guļamistabai
Radoša individuāla rakstura sienas lampa guļamistabai
Spriegums: 220 V
Skursteņa materiāls: dzelzs
Kopējais izmērs: 30*20*23cm
Lampas forma: apaļa
Gaismas avota jauda: nav iekļauta spuldze
Apstarošanas laukums: 5-15 kv.m
Lampas forma: dzelzs
looks good, nice and robust quality
Замечательный светильник, спасибо!
Замечательный светильник, спасибо!
Excellent, much better than I imagined, true to the photo, the only negative point would be l late to receive, but it was almost 35 days in Barajas, until we reach Asturias.
bonito e muito elegante
looks good, nice and robust quality
Замечательный светильник, спасибо!
Замечательный светильник, спасибо!
Excellent, much better than I imagined, true to the photo, the only negative point would be l late to receive, but it was almost 35 days in Barajas, until we reach Asturias.
bonito e muito elegante