Размер экрана: без экрана
Тип установки: Общий
Диафрагма основного объектива: f1,8.
Количество выстрелов: одиночный выстрел
Фотопиксель: 5 миллионов
Пиксель камеры: 5 миллионов
Угол обзора: 140
Разрешение изображения: 1600p
Hope cable soon
Like working
Camera as described, already the 2 camera, this time for the car with the parking monitoring.
Unfortunately, the documentation exclusively in Chinese, a description in English would be very desirable.
Otherwise a good camera with good quality recording, unfortunately lack of emergency button on the camera, recording can easily via the app secured.
Very long delivery. Chinese English cannot be understood. The app is the same neither
Clear. A serious office does good things and can't hire a normal translator. It is better to order with GPS.